This fusion of our much-loved Smaug and Oakenshield patterns features the fearsome dragon in fiery colours against a background that transitions from a hint of black coffee to deep, rich burgundy, and finally fading to vibrant bright reds. The characteristic nubs and slubs of the silk weft that speckle the fabric resemble the sparkle from the shields that Smaug sits atop.
Beneath the great beast Elven script translates as, “My teeth are swords; my claws are spears! My wings are a hurricane.” This iconic quote, spoken by Smaug himself, echoes the dragon’s immense power and the unstoppable force he represents and the challenge facing Thorin and his company.
By using BCI cotton we ensure that our cotton meets the Better Cotton Initiative’s high standards of environmental, economic and social responsibility. Our BCI cotton is also organic, meaning it is grown with care and without chemicals keeping the land, and farmers, healthy.
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